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Anybody will feel appreciated after reading these adorable good morning texts

Not everyone is a morning person, and we get that! Which is why the wonders of coffee and energizing breakfast recipes are one of life's biggest blessings. But another good way to start your day is by receiving a good morning text from someone special in your life. It's a guaranteed way to wake up smiling! So, knowing that—why don't you take it upon yourself to make sure someone else's day starts off right and send them a text yourself? Don't worry if you need a little help, because we created a list of the best and most creative good morning texts to send.

A good morning text—whether to your parents, siblings, partner, or friends—holds the same relationship-strengthening power as words of affirmation. These good morning quotes communicate the idea that this person is at the top of your mind and that even the most habitual moments of their life matter to you. That's what makes an uplifting quote so, well, uplifting!

Making a practice of typing out sweet love messages will become as routine as your cup of joe. These good morning text messages are guaranteed to start your loved one's day right on Valentine's Day, their birthday, or any other day of the year. Just don't forget to sign off with your cute nicknames for your pookie head then make sure their day ends as great as it started by sending the best good night messages too!

cute good morning text messages

Buff Strickland

Cute Good Morning Texts

  • It'll always be a "good morning" as long as I have you.
  • Good morning to you, my one and only.
  • I hope you had a good sleep! Good morning, love.
  • Here's to a good morning and an even better day!
  • Don't think I can spend another morning without you.
  • Getting to see your smile every morning is the only way I want to start my day!
  • Just thinking of you gets me ready for my day. Good morning, love!
  • Who needs caffeine when I have you?
  • Good morning! I wish I was there to snooze the alarm clock with you.
  • Knowing I'm seeing you later is the only thing getting me through my day!
  • Woke up thinking about you, sweets. Love you as always!
  • Cuddling with you would make this morning so much better.
  • Good morning, my love! Hope you have a fantastic day.
  • Morning kisses from afar!
  • Good morning, gorgeous.
  • Morning, love bug! Have a great day!
  • I hope your day rocks as much as you do. Thanks for being the best partner a person could ask for.
  • Feeling blessed to have you in my life this morning and every morning!
  • Went to sleep thinking of you and woke up thinking of you. You're the most beautiful human.
  • I wake up every day feeling like I won the lottery because of you.
  • Time to spend another day counting down the hours till I see you again!
  • Your love is beyond generous and I wake up grateful each morning.
  • Good morning to the person whose smile always lights up the room!
  • It's a beautiful morning over here. Obviously, it made me think of you.
  • Best part of my morning is seeing you sleep later than me. Hope you have a great start to your day!
  • You look so cute and cozy in the morning. Many kisses and I'll see you later.
  • What a treat, waking up next to you.
  • I think we really ought to move in together at this point. Texting isn't cutting it.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, the only thing sweeter than sleep is you.
  • I like my forever like I like my sleep: with you.
  • I hope your day is as wonderful as my life has been since you came into it.
  • Watching the sunrise in the morning is spectacular, but it’s nothing compared to your smile.
  • Every morning I wake up, you motivate me to pursue my goals and become a better person. Thank you for being you. I love you.

sweet good morning text messages

Ree Drummond

Sweet Good Morning Texts

  • You make all of my mornings sunnier than ever.
  • Every dream I had was of you. Waking up to you just made them come true!
  • Sending you these virtual hugs and kisses to help you start your day!
  • Good morning, darling! Hope your day starts off fresh!
  • Impatiently waiting for you to wake up so that I can officially start my day off right. Good morning, my love!
  • Waking up next to you is the best part of my day! See you later, baby.
  • Missing your adorable morning hair.
  • Wake up, my love. Food and flowers await you!
  • I'd give anything to spend the rest of my life waking up next to you.
  • The dawn is better now that you're awake.
  • The day is better now that you've entered it.
  • I hope you can spend the morning taking it easy.
  • Psst: time to open your eyes!
  • Stay in bed for a few more minutes and I'll be right there with coffee!
  • Until this afternoon, my love.
  • Just wanted to let you know you're the greatest gift in my life.
  • I 🫶 you!
  • You're the reason I start my day with a smile.
  • I don't need coffee on the mornings I wake up with you.
  • Good morning to the person who never lets it get boring.
  • How'd you sleep, sweet thing?
  • Enjoy your day, sweetheart.
  • You are the morning light that fills my life.
  • I thank God for you every day.
  • Hey, cutie! 😘
  • Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all night.
  • Good morning! I'm sending you this message first thing in the morning so that you can think about me all day long. I'll be thinking of you, too!

funny good morning text messages

Buff Strickland

Funny Good Morning Texts

  • Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!
  • Morning, beautiful. Did you dream about me or should I be jealous of the three-headed dog again?
  • I need you more than I need my coffee in the morning, but the coffee will have to do for now. Can't wait to see you later!
  • Morning! I promise to hurry home. Can't keep a beautiful woman/handsome guy waiting, you know.
  • You may hate me bef0re your coffee, but I love you always. 😂
  • I think I scored major brownie points this morning—check the coffee pot.
  • Come over and hit the snooze button ten times with me?
  • Rise and shine! Shine and rise! Let Mr. Sunshine in your eyes!
  • Howdy, partner!
  • Hi, hello, how are you?
  • Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Can I come over yet?
  • *Manifesting* that you're awake now.
  • Morning! (Praying that didn't wake you up.)
  • You're going to do great things today! Unless you're still asleep—then you need to get a move on.
  • Yee-haw, time to hit the road!
  • Good morning! If you were here, I'd make you whatever breakfast you wanted... as long as it was a bowl of cereal.
  • You are the French to my toast!

good morning text messages for friends

Ree Drummond

Good Morning Texts for Friends

  • Thinking of you today—hope you have a good morning.
  • You're going to kill it today!
  • Hope you're feeling better today. You're a rockstar who deserves the most.
  • Missing having you so close in my life. Have the best day.
  • Morning, buddy!
  • Good morning! What are you excited for today?
  • Rise and shine, bestie!
  • Feeling particularly blessed to call you my friend today.
  • Morning to my most fabulous friend!
  • Morning! Say it back. 🙂
  • Just a morning reminder that you make the world a better place!
  • Good morning! You’re the best and I love you. That’s all.

good morning quotes


Good Morning Quotes

  • "Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!" —The Musical Hair
  • "Good morning, good morning, love. It's my favorite love song. I waited all night long for morning. Good morning, love."John Legend
  • "I know I am in love with you because my reality is finally better than my dreams." —Dr. Seuss
  • "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." —Winston Churchill
  • "Morning without you is a dwindled dawn." —Emily Dickinson
  • "Morning not only forgives, it forgets." —Marty Rubin
  • "The morning hour has gold in its mouth." ―German proverb
  • "What you do today can improve all your tomorrows." —Ralph Marston
  • "The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep." —Rumi
  • "In the morning, instead of saying to yourself, 'I got to wake up' say 'I get to wake up!'" —Erykah Badu
  • "Let me wake up next to you, have coffee in the morning and wander through the city with your hand in mine, and I'll be happy for the rest of my little life." —Charlotte Eriksson

Headshot of Micaela Bahn

Micaela Bahn is a freelance editorial assistant and recent graduate from Carleton College, where she majored in English literature. She loves running, photography, and cooking the best new recipes.


Article information

Author: Joshua Rogers

Last Updated: 1703192403

Views: 931

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Joshua Rogers

Birthday: 1987-02-17

Address: 33185 Amy Center Apt. 098, West Dwayne, TX 15978

Phone: +4805260257081522

Job: Chemical Engineer

Hobby: Camping, Snowboarding, Video Editing, Gardening, Fishing, Mountain Climbing, Running

Introduction: My name is Joshua Rogers, I am a persistent, steadfast, lively, dedicated, intrepid, esteemed, ingenious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.